Rules & Constitution



  1. Permits whether Season or Daily are not transferable and must be produced when asked by any member of the Association or anyone acting on their behalf.
  2. Members and permit holders are particularly warned against doing any damage to growing crops, fences and landowners property. ALL gates must be closed behind at all times.
  3. All brown trout under 26cm (10”) must be returned & any sea trout under 30cm (12”) and greater than 60cm (24”) must be returned with the minimum injury and delay. ALL SALMON must be returned to the water with minimum injury and delay at ALL times.
  4. No person shall use a rod & line except with natural or artificial bait, lure or fly on rivers and only for the purpose of taking fish by hooking in the mouth. ALL fish hooked otherwise than in the mouth shall be returned to the water immediately with as little injury as possible.
  5. National fishing byelaw rules apply on catch & release, use of bait, and the use of hooks for Salmon & Sea trout.Please refer to the government website for local and national byelaws.
  6. NO fishing after dark on the Reed Pool. Only Fly fishing is allowed at night on all rivers including the high bank. NO maggots to be used on rivers except on tip fly at night.
  7. No fishing allowed above Dolgamedd Viaduct after 30th September.
  8. Any fish caught on our waters must not be sold.
  9. LLyn Cynwch – No fishing allowed on the lake before 8am and no later than the time displayed on the clock on the notice board situated in the car park.(usually 1hr after sunset) Bag limit 3 fish per day. NO spinning, No ground baiting or loose feeding is allowed. Only Fishing methods allowed Fly, Worm & Maggots. A Fly only section is clearly marked from the gate to the wall entrance (approx 400 yards) Fly Only – Catch & release using barbless or de-barbed hooks permissible from the offset or after the first 3 fish (no choosing best 3).
  10. Any member or permit holder convicted of an offense of the fishing laws or who infringes any rules of the association shall forfeit their membership or permit.


NOTE – It is necessary to hold a relevant fishing license in addition to an association permit before fishing our waters.